
Yes, I Wok It Out.

Good Sunday Afternoon to you all.

It's a lazy rainy day here. I love these kinds of days. I've managed to stay in yoga pants all weekend and caught up on sofa snuggle time with Chris. We've watched movies to include Big Fish, Little Rascals, & Body of Lies. We did the weekly Target stroll. I've been sipping on chai latte - a fabulous sample & recipe that a dear friend of ours brought to us last weekend. It may very well become my new addiction.

I'm a little bit sad by the fact that this winter weather will be moving out. Incoming is spring, which is fine and all. But in South Carolina that means more humidity, more pollen, and more allergy/sinus/cold issues. I've been struggling with the first batch this past week/weekend. Chris is becoming a little sneezy. Thankfully it'll be gone by May.

With all this mentioned, it makes me really lean more towards Penn State and the clean mountain-ish air that it may bring. I've been googling houses/duplexes for Penn State and Univ. of Tenn just to get ideas. The possibilities are exciting. Some of the craigslist sites are already starting to post pics of places availible for Fall 2009.

That's all yet to be decided. I'm trying not to get too ahead of ourselves. We're still waiting to hear from the other schools and the financial aspects. Chris was told that the scholarship/assistantships decisions should be more clear by mid-March, so we'll know sooner than later. Everything has really come in waves, which has made decision making easy. We deal with one issue and on to the next challenge.

We'll be making my first major student loan repayment this month and although we're sqeaking a little; the money is there and our budget is starting to look more hopeful. I have been worried and sometimes frantic at moments because it is so much - literally like a mortgage. Chris is my God send. He has managed our finances so well. I am so proud of him. I type about this because, at times, I don't think to incoporate God in our financial plans. I sometimes think that it's not His department and limit Him to issues of the heart and soul. But Chris and I are living proof that God knows the desires of our hearts. We're proof that if we follow God's individualized purpose then He will see it through and ultimately make it happen. *Stepping off the soap box*

Now......... Let's talk WOK! I was first introduced to serious Wok cooking by my cousin & his wife while staying a week with them for a clinical rotation at Duke. So, Chris & I bought a Wok at IKEA last year. We didn't bring it out until last night and boy have we been missing out! We made ginger & sesame chicken with veggies and teriyaki beef with broccoli. Talk about some yummy goodness. Folks, I encourage you to....

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